
Iaea tecdoc 1154
Iaea tecdoc 1154

Zhang, The Influence of Pores on Irradiation Property of Selected Nuclear Graphites Advances in, Materials Science and Engineering, vol. Bastien, Réacteurs à uranium naturel graphite-gaz (Uranium Natural Graphite-Gas reactors, Techniques de l'Ingénieur B, vol. (IAEA-TECDOC-1496, 2006), (Hagrman and et al., 1993), and (Todreas and Kazimi. Herreng, Ertaud et Pasquet Description des réacteurs G2 -G3, 1958. Lagge-de-meux, Martin Caractéristiques générales et aspects originaux des réacteurs G2 et G3, 1958. , Dunzik-Gougar Limited oxidation of irradiated graphite waste to remove surface carbon-14, Nucl. , Dunzik-Gougar Characterization of C-14 in neutron irradiated NBG-25 nuclear graphite, J. Wickham, Radiolytic graphite oxidation, Prog Nucl Energy, vol. Orfao, Modification of the surface chemistry of activated carbons, Carbon, vol. , Specialists meeting on coolant chemistry, plate-out and decontamination in gas-cooled reactors, Juelich, vol. Flewitt, Evaluation of surface deposits on the channel wall of trepanned reactor core graphite samples, J. Best, Recent advances in the theories of carbon dioxide radiolysis and radiolytic graphite corrosion. The description of Wigner energy and its release from Windscale pile graphite for application to. Kelly, Graphite -the most fascinating nuclear material, Carbon, vol. Gray, Constant stress irradiation-induced compressive creep of graphite at high fluences, Carbon, 11, 383392 (1973). Strizak, A study of the annealing behavior of neutron irradiated graphite, Carbon, vol. Kelly, Irradiation Damage in Graphite Due to Fast Neutrons in Fission and Fusion Systems, IAEA-TECDOC-1154, April 2000, Vienna. Treifi, Dimensional change, irradiation creep and thermal/mechanical property changes in nuclear graphite, International Materials Reviews, vol. Fillatre, Effets de l'irradiation sur les propriétés physiques du graphite Carbon, pp. Department of Energy Source: Burchell T, Carbon Materials for Advanced Technologies, Chpt. , Irradiation damage in graphite due to fast neutron in fission and fusion systems IAEA TECDIC-1154, 2000. Stored energy release of graphite irradiated a low temperature 7 Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. , Treatment and Conditioning of Radioactive Graphite from Decommissioning of Nuclear Reactors, IAEA TECDOC 1521, 2006.

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Cornuault, Génie nucléaire, modérateurs, graphite, Société des Electrodes Réfractaires Savoie, 1981. Robin, Les réacteurs nucléaires à caloporteur gaz.

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Li, Are Graphitic Surfaces Hydrophobic?, Acc Chem Res, vol. in Graphite due to Fast Neutrons in Fission and Fusion Systems. Ross, Waste Management Symposium -WM2009/WM'09: HLW, TRU, LLW/ILW, Mixed, Hazardous Wastes and Environmental Management -Waste Management for the Nuclear Renaissance, Inventaire national des matières et déchets radioactifs, 2006.Ī.

Iaea tecdoc 1154